
Our Favourite Hands-On Science Incursions

Our Favourite Hands-On Science Incursions

Our Favourite Hands-On Science IncursionsGetting hands-on is hands-down the best way to engage students and encourage them to get involved with science! Whether you’re teaching prep or high school aged students, a hands-on lesson helps make a lasting impression and...

What Are Science Inquiry Skills?

What Are Science Inquiry Skills?

Science is one of the most important subjects covered in Australian schools. And, while our classes offer a solid foundation in the sciences, the associated skill-building activities are equally important. Not all students will go on to become scientists or use their...

How to Develop Science Skills in Students

How to Develop Science Skills in Students

Science classrooms are some of the most important spaces for student development. The skills learned in science class will carry over into each area of a student’s life and provide a great foundation for everything else they hope to achieve. Structuring lessons around...

How to Make Science Fun!

How to Make Science Fun!

Science is one of the most engaging and hands-on subjects in schools, but it’s not always easy to get students on board. Science classes explore some pretty complex topics. That can be a challenge, especially for younger students, so it’s worth putting some thought...

Why Science Is Important for Kids

Why Science Is Important for Kids

Science is a major part of the Australian school curriculum. As jobs and technologies shift towards science-heavy industries, we’re spending more time teaching kids about science. That’s great news for students – it means they’re being equipped with the tools they...