
What is an Insect?

What is an Insect?

Did you know there are more insects in the world than any other animal? The tiny little creatures can sometimes be so small they’re hard to notice, but scientists have already named about 1.5 million species of insects. That’s three times the number of all other...

What is Viscosity?

What is Viscosity?

If someone gave you a bucket of water and poked a hole in the bottom, you’d be able to hold the bucket up and watch the water drip out quickly. But, if the bucket was filled with honey instead, it would take much longer to drip out the bottom. This happens because the...

Cold-Blooded Creatures: How They Stay Warm

Cold-Blooded Creatures: How They Stay Warm

You might have seen it before - a lizard, or maybe even a snake, sitting proudly on a big rock soaking up the sunlight. Did you know they aren’t just out there for fun? Sure, laying in the sun feels good, but animals like lizards and snakes are cold-blooded creatures...

The Science of Rainbows

The Science of Rainbows

Everyone has imagined the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and seen that moment at the end of a rainstorm. But rainbows are much cooler and much more complicated than you might think. Rainbows are actually the result of the reflection and refraction of light. How...

The Science of Volcanoes

The Science of Volcanoes

So far in 2021 we have had over 50 volcanic eruptions around the world and there are over 1,500 potentially active volcanoes world-wide! This includes everything from plinian and vulcanian eruptions (the type in movies) to phreatic eruptions, those driven by the heat...

How Can We Make The Future Of Foods More Sustainable?

Sustainability. It’s been the word on everyone’s lips since scientists revealed just how severely climate change has begun to affect Earth’s environment and ecosystems. The future of our planet, and the human race, depends on the steps we take now to improve the...